Thursday, March 3, 2011

ReSeArCh TechNiqueS

1. Shaun Tan, an Australian born animator, illustrator and writer.
Resources available at the Libary include: 'The Arrival' and 'The Bird King'.

2. The Journals specificatly related to the Animation Industry would be the 'Animation Magazine' located on Floor 2, Reference Number TR 897.5.A54. Also located in this section are other journals relevent to our course of studies. Have a flick through 'Inside Film' Ref. No.- PN1993.I57 and 'Cinefex' Ref. No. TR845.C56.

3. There is copyright information located on the Librarys 'Home Page' under the section title 'Teacher Resources'. Alternativily further information can be obtained by vistiting the Librarian 'Help Desk' located on level 4.

4. Frank and Ollie from Disney's 'Nine Old Men' produced the amazing book called 'The Illusion of LIFE'.
This is quite a special book documenting the fundermental years at Disney studios, personal collections of there own works, and a complete foundation of animation from 'principles' to 'production'. This book is a gift! It is located on level 3.

5. Richard Williams worte and illustrated the 'Animators Servival Kit', located on floor 3. He also turned this book into lecture series and released a DVD collection explaining in greater detail with functioning examples of his Book.

6. Frank around the world journey has blessed us all with the movie ' Paris: Chambre de Commerce et dindustrie de Paris'.

7. Miyazaki the Japanese animator has films located on level 3. These include 'Howls', 'Spirited Away', 'Laputa', 'Nausicaa', 'Kikis' and 'Parco Rosso'.  \

8. Yes it was usefull.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Jac. The DVD set I picked up in Paris is actually work and examples from the Gobelins school. It is really interesting to watch it and see what French animation students produce and how their lessons are so similar to ours.
